Smooth like Honey

A week ago my wife and I woke up with sore, scratchy throats and could tell a full blown sickness event was inevitable. In the past I tried several things to head off the sickness or at least try and shorten it. My wife had researched and found a product she wanted us to try and this was the perfect time to put it to the test. She handed me a tablespoon of flowing gold, natural raw honey, and I kid you not, as soon as I swallowed it, my sore throat was soothed and didn’t come back!

I have taken a teaspoon of honey every day and I can’t believe the results! My throat cleared up. My sickness never materialized into much. I can’t explain it or even know why this worked so well but it did. I can’t go a day without this sweet nectar. I encourage you to try it for your allergies, colds, and daily ear,nose, and throat health. It’s going to be a daily regiment for me. I am excited to see how it helps my allergies in the spring!

Natural raw honey

Top 5 Cheesiest Christian Gifts that are popular right now

Christian gifts can be some of the cheesiest. This is especially true when Christians do knock offs of popular trends. There are plenty to choose from but here are my top 5. Would you buy these?

1. American Christianity

2. LED Jesus

Now I am all for praying for our country but when we mix the flag with the cross we might be crossing the line. America is not the promise land or the chosen people and this cup is over the top. I gave this my supreme cheese ranking.

Now if this is your thing more power too you but LED Jesus? Plus did Jesus really look like this? This is my extra cheese ranking.

3. Spiritual Guardian Deer

What am I looking at here? I have heard of guardian angels but this?! I am not sure if it’s more cheesy or blasphemous! This gets my stinky cheese ranking.

4. Cheesus

I mean it’s in the name! Have they really replaced Jesus head with a block of cheese?? This one goes down as moldy cheese.

5. Taco Shirt

This list wouldn’t be complete without a Christian tee and while there were plenty to choose from I chose the taco shirt. Don’t get me wrong, I like tacos. This is my “you want some cheese on that” ranking.

If you see a cheesy Christian gift add it to my list on comments.

Top Five Books Every Believer Needs to Read In Their Lifetime

These five books all made a lasting mark on my Christian walk. You owe it to yourself ti read these five and soak in the powerful truths they unpack. I have provided links for you to get a sample and/or to order the book or kindle version.

1. Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Pilgrim’s Progress is sensational. It is an allegory of the Christian life as you journey with a Christian through great challenges, temptations, and victories. Though this was written several hundred years ago there are modern day versions you can get now that are much easier to read. Don’t miss this one if you have never read. It was truly life changing for me.

Pilgrims Progress

2. Basic Christianity by John Stott

This was one of the first books I read as a Christian and it’s simple presentation of the core beliefs of the faith made a huge impression on me. Stott has a gift to speak deep truth in practical and simple ways. This might be the book you have needed to jumpstart your walk.

Basic Christianity

3. More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

A short and easy read on one of the best descriptions of Jesus and why we must see Him as Lord and Savior. This book will deepen your faith in Christ.

More Than A Carpenter

4. Desiring God by John Piper

Piper introduced me to the satisfaction of finding my joy in God alone. All of these books have helped shape my journey but this book changed my course. After reading it I didn’t see God the same way.

Piper showed me through scripture who God was and who I am in Him. Read this and be ready to be challenged in a life changing way.

Desiring God

5. Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Wow! I had no idea how little I knew about the afterlife until I read this book. Don’t miss this one! It is phenomenal and will pump you up as you think about what is to come. Truly changed my perspective on Heaven and the afterlife.


Is Social Reform Our Calling As Christians?

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16

Our world is a mess. Fake news, disunity, racism, immorality, hatred, fear… the list goes on. What is our duty as a Christian? Are we the ones to try and fix this? To make all the social woes go away? Is God calling us to reform this nation and make it a better place? My head is spinning lately. I feel overwhelmed and it seems everything I say is emotionally charged and polarizing to someone. This is a scary climate we are in and it’s difficult to know how to navigate.

What did Jesus do? He is our greatest example on how to engage the culture. A deep study of his life shows something very differently than how we engage today. He focused on the poor and powerless. He didn’t speak to the politics or agendas of the day. When asked he would say things like “give to Caesar what is Caesars.” His message was always about the kingdom of God. Always. He would never preach “be better” as his message because he knew it was deeper than that. He wasn’t trying to make this world a better place. You will struggle with that statement but he wasn’t. He knew that if he could get lost people to act better they still would be lost. He was interested in the spiritual. He wasn’t looking for social reform.

Now if revival happened in the hearts of people would that have a cultural effect? You better believe it! Marriages would be stronger. Morality would be the heart. Abortion clinics would shut down. Prayer would be a force. More grace and love would be shown. Yet, all of that would be for an even greater purpose. Jesus goal was to glorify His Father and to bring people to Himself. It shouldn’t surprise us that we should be about the same purpose.

So if we only address racism, immorality, politics, etc… we are putting a band aid on a amputee. Morbid illustration but needed here. For example, what have we really accomplished if we could stop racism? Nothing of eternal significance. But what if we could see police officers, protestors, racists come to see their sin and their need for Jesus? Now that changes everything. That is what our country desperately needs. Transformation. We need what Jesus preached, for them to be born again. We need salvation not social reform.

So in your posts, debates, and reflections don’t drift away from the core issue: people are sinful and need Jesus. If you think that isn’t addressing the issue you don’t know the power of the gospel!

5 Things I Would Write In A Letter To Myself When I Became A Christian

What if you could write a letter to yourself, particularly to your newly saved self? What would you say in that letter? What would be the top 5 things you would want yourself to know for the journey ? Here is a letter I wrote to myself that I wish i could have read in May of 1992. The very last sentence isn’t spiritual but I included it in anyway!

Dear Dax,

This is the most important day of your life! Nothing will compare to it, especially the day when you will stand face to face with your creator. You are celebrating your new life, your spiritual birthday, Your faith is now in Christ and you’ve been set free from the bondage of sin. You have been set free. It’s amazing news for your life. I have been a Christian for over 25 years now and there are some things I want to teach you from what I have learned. I hope they will help you to have a life of purpose and meaning that goes far beyond the promises of this world. I would strongly advise you to take these to heart for your sake (and mine):

1.The one thing that is more important than your love for God and for other people is to daily remind yourself that God first loved you. You will never be able to show love if you don’t walk in the truth that you have first been loved by God. Our motivation to love is God has first loved us. There is nothing more precious in your life than God’s unconditional love.

 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16

2.You are not only saved by grace but you need grace daily to continue to grow in your faith. Don’t try and clean up your life over the next 10, 20, 30 plus years without God. If you try to do this in your own strength , you will fail miserably. You didn’t become a Christian to now see what you could accomplish; instead, to see what He can do through you for His glory.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 1 Corinthians 12:9

3.God cares about your whole life, not just your spiritual life. God cares about your personal, emotional, social, familial, financial, physical, vocational, sexual, and intellectual life. You can’t be fully healthy if God is not leading you to grow in all areas. We can’t compartmentalism our spirituality and make our relationship with God separate from the rest of our life.

4.Find a Christian mentor and be a mentor to a younger Christian. You learn the most from those who have already walked the road you will be traveling. You need help. You need wisdom, direction, accountability, and encouragement. You are to be disciples and then take what you have learned and invest in another’s discipleship.

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17

5. You are not perfect, just forgiven. Give yourself some grace. Strive to be like Christ but know you are going to fall short often. If you stop giving yourself grace you will crumble under your own failure and shame. If He forgives you, you surely you can forgive yourself. Get your eyes off of your faults and put them on Jesus.

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

And by the way, don’t bother dating any other girls but prepare your heart to marry Christi Byrd. Best decision, besides your salvation, you will make. Also invest all you can in Apple and Amazon, avoid the whole mullet stage, and play more golf with your dad!

Photo Captured 06-09-18: Disney’s Newest Attraction??

Where: Outside of St Augustine, Florida

Who: Christi Hughes

Why: It scared her when she found out it was once alive!

I love visiting and seeing things I have previously read about or only seen in pictures. I also discovering unique things that cause me to pause. If you keep your eyes open there are some awe inspiring, exhilarating, sometimes scary moments out there. When you capture them in a photo they make for a great memory not only for yourself but to share with others.

I am starting a series of blogs with pictures my friends and followers send me that shows something unique, solemn, beautiful, magnificent, frightening, or anything else that captures our attention and hopefully moves our emotions. I plan on taking that pic and making a spiritual metaphor, analogy, connection, or insight from the picture.


My first photo comes from our visit to Florida. It is a stuffed alligator, 13 feet long! It was between 40 and 50 years old and 800 pounds. It was found near Disney World in Orlando. It was found in a resident’s pool near the resort. Imagine finding this monster in your swimming pool!. I imagine this would have caused quite a stir among Mickey and Minnie. I am confident Disney does not want characters that can eat their guests. Ask Captain Hook about that!

Spiritual Lesson:

And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is [i]life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Genesis 1:29-31

We once cuddled with alligators! Ok, I don’t know about cuddled with these large reptiles but before the Fall in the Garden of Eden, alligators were vegetarians. Yep, you heard me correctly! They didn’t eat other animals and were not a danger to us or us to them! When you look at this magnificent creature at 13 feet long it is hard to imagine swimming with it without feet or even petting it. I was scared to touch it even stuffed! If you read Genesis 1:29-30, you see God referred to plants as our source of food and not animals. I am not pushing for all of us being vegetarians as the Bible doesn’t command us not to eat animals after the fall (Acts 10:9-16). Yet, before sin there was no death so eating meat was not an option. The Fall corrupted all of creation, not just humanity. When I see magnificent creatures like snakes, sharks, lions, and alligators I think about a time people walked with them in harmony. That day will come again because of the redeeming power of Jesus. I look forward to the day there will be no more death!

Top 5 Christian Acronyms that will Inspire You

1) ICHTHUS (Christian Fish). You see these on bumper stickers and car emblems. It was the ancient symbol Christians used to identify one another. We are called to be “fishers of men.” The Greek Letters form an acronym that speaks to Jesus as the Christ, God, only begotten son, and savior. So when you see the icthus symbol know that is represents our Lord. Early Christians would draw half the fish on the ground and then a Christian passerby would see it and complete the fish and they would connect. They did this because if they were open about their faith then they faced persecution. This symbol was a powerful one for the early church.


I- Iesous (Jesus)

CH- Christos (Christ)

TH- Theos (God)

U- Uios (Son)

S- Sotier (Savior)


2) HOPE– hope is the culmination of our faith. it was what we lean all in on. Hope can serve as an acronym to remind us of what is our hope. Life becomes meaningful and fulfilling when you have strong hope.


H- Holding

O- On to your

P- Promises

E- Each Day


3) FAITH– there is no salvation without faith. There is no abundant living without faith. Faith is the one action every Christian has to be about. Faith is what it is about for a Christian.



A- All other things

I- I

T- Trust

H- Him


4) PRAY– if you are like me, your prayer life could uses a boost. I tend to pray quickly and ritualistically at certain times. We need to see prayer as having several functions in speaking to our God.


P- Praise

R- Repent

A- Ask

Y- Yield


5) GRACE- Because of our sin God could have responded in a lot of ways. He could have wiped us out or judged without any hope. Instead He gave grace. Grace is unearned and undeserved favor. I love this acronym to remember what God has done for me.


G- God's

R- Riches

A-  At

C- Christ's

E- Expense




How I Met My Dream Woman

***Warning- this story contains sappy, cheesy elements mixed with loads of the dramatic. You were warned.

Christi and I have a rather unique story of how we connected. We both attended Union University. She was one grade ahead of me but I knew who she was. Who didn’t know Christi Byrd! She was friends with everyone. She was the Baptist Student Union President and she was Homecoming Queen at Union. Not only did she love Jesus, she was gorgeous. She was godly and beautiful, a perfect mix.

Christi and I were acquaintances at best. I taught a Greek lab (that’s Greek not Geek), where students practiced their Greek vocabulary words. She was in the Greek lab I taught. We also had a few classes together but never really spoke besides a quick hello. I had my own friends and dated a few girls throughout the college years but was always frustrated with the dating scene. It felt so foolish to me. I always felt like a child playing grown up. I mean I had no real clue about love and commitment and neither did they.

With the influence of my youth pastor and my own frustrations, my junior year of college I pushed dating aside. Now I am not saying girls all across campus wept in grief that I was no longer available. I mean I could get a date. The ratio was 4 girls to 1 at Union so every guy had a chance! I just didn’t want to go the dating approach anymore to find the one. I was ready for something more supernatural.

I remember clearly praying to the Lord that I was sick of the effort of dating to find the one. I was 20 years old and I was ready to be single as long as the Lord willed it. I was determined that if I were going to get married, He would need to intervene. Did I want to get married? Absolutely! I just became convinced through my own trial and error that I would probably make the wrong draft pick out of all the potential prospects. I was the Cleveland Browns of dating!

So for a little over a year I stuck to my commitment. I focused on the Lord and enjoyed the mess out of my junior year. Sure My friends worried that I was going to become a monk with my no dating plan and though she has never admitted it, I think my mom worried I had quit liking girls if you know what I mean. Come on mom! That definitely was not the case. I just couldn’t do the games anymore.

In March of 1996 I applied to work as a support staff for the summer for Centrifuge camp. I applied to be the Resident Assistant at the dorms on Union’s campus. It was an extremely competitive job to get and when the list of the thirty or so students who were chosen was published I was on it. I was pumped! I came back to my dorm room and ran into Robert Grisham. Robert and I had been friends since high school and had roomed together a couple of times. I showed him the list and he stopped on a name and said, “Christi Byrd.” I knew who she was as I mentioned above and asked what he was meaning. In a very matter of fact way Robert proceeded to tell me that he thought her and I would get together and I would marry her. It’s like my roommate told me I would be going out to buy a lottery ticket and would win the jackpot. Yeah right! I am pretty sure I told him he had lost his mind.

Summer came and our first day of work we were split up in pairs to do towel laundry. Guess who I got paired up with: Christi Byrd. Now as romantic as doing towel laundry can be, nothing really magical happened that day but we did get to talk. I didn’t think much of it besides what my crazy roommate had told me a month back! As the days went on Christi and I found ourselves in the same spaces more and more. I came up with a brilliant idea for us to study Greek together to get ready for the coming semester. When I told Nathan Joyce, my other roommate, about it he had a field day with the info. He would ask me constantly, “how is studying Christi, I mean Greek, going??”

I enjoyed our time studying together to say the least. The summer was about half way over and by this time my mind was racing. I had Christi on the brain 24/7. We were barely friends and I had no idea what she thought about me. I would have been content to just keep my growing attraction quiet until the night we played Speed.

Speed is a card game you play where you try and get as many cards as you can by having the higher number when you both flipped a card. It goes really fast and you have to pay careful attention. A lot of us were playing in the commons area (we couldn’t go to each other’s rooms because we weren’t allowed to have girls in the room) and Christi and I found ourselves matched up to play. We played and I don’t remember who won but what I do remember was the jolt of lightning that happened when our hands touched while picking up the cards. I know what you are thinking right now. “Dax that’s called static and it happens all the time!” No this was so much different. That hurts! This was like a jolt of lightning that hit us both and it felt magical. I could tell she felt it too. It was a powerful energy that hit me as I touched her soft, inviting hand. It confirmed everything for me in that moment. I knew she was the one or at least I knew I wanted her to be the one. Now how to convince her to say the same about me!

I went home that night in a daze. I had met the girl of my dreams and touching her was like holding on to electricity. I decided that night that I would ask her out. I would break my dating fast because this one could be the one! A few days later I finally saw an opportunity but what I did was nothing like I had planned.

It was a Friday night and our shifts for work at the camp were over. Christi was a lifeguard and she was walking back from the pool and I had just finished playing ping pong with some of the Fuge campers. I saw an opportunity to walk with her and decided this was the moment I would ask her out. We talked all the way back to the common area and sat down and continued to talk. I was getting up the nerve and I finally decided to reveal my feelings.

I saw a moment in the conversation and I took it. Here is how I planned it:

“Christi, it has been fun getting to know you this summer and if you wanted to we should go grab lunch sometime.”

What I actually said:

“Christi, you are going to be my wife. I love you.”

What in the world did I do! It just came out. I knew I had hoped it but I didn’t mean to say it out loud yet! Nothing i could do now. It was out there. Christi just stared at me. She didn’t say anything! I was convinced that I had completely scared her away! When she finally spoke she said: “I absolutely believe the same thing. You will be my husband. I am in love with you too.” It was a joyous moment. I didn’t do a dance but my heart lept and my dreams were being realized in that moment. We had never been out and already proposed our desire to marry each other. No games in this for sure!

Two weeks later we went to Nathan’s wedding. It was at that wedding we began to talk seriously about wedding plans. All this before our first date. When we got back we left to go home for a few weeks before fall semester started. We talked on the phone some but we didn’t see each other being three hours away from each other.

When school started back I couldn’t wait to see Christi. The second week of school Christi spoke for a BSU worship night and I was to do the closing prayer. When I went up there I asked her to come back up. I dropped to a knee, pulled out a ring, and proposed to the girl of my dreams in front of those 300 people. The question I got all that night was: “I didn’t even know you two were dating!” We weren’t! We didn’t go on our first date until after we were engaged! Five months later I married Christi and we have now been married 21 years and counting. She is still the girl of my dreams and God gave her to me! I asked him to provide and He knocked it out of the park! Thank you Lord for bringing us together.

Do You Understand The Words Coming Out of My Mouth?

What you talking about willis Meme.jpg

As Christians, we throw out “faith jargon,” assuming everyone knows what we mean by them. Truth is I think we sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher to many… wa wa wa wa wa. The words either don’t compute or they mean something completely different to them than we intended. We are flippant in our words, not thinking about the harm we might be doing if misunderstood. I hope you have come to realize the power of words and their ability to both help and harm:

Words are seeds that do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not the ground. Be careful what you plant and careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day. -Unknown

We need to think through very carefully how we speak our faith. People who are not of the faith won’t get what we are trying to say unless we are careful and patient to explain it well. Of course this means we must understand our own words enough to explain them. If I use words I don’t really comprehend then I probably cannot explain their meaning to others! We tend to use doctrinal terms (sanctification, saved, lost) in our conversations with those outside our faith that can be misunderstood or even offensive. Before you say the gospel offends, realize the problem is not when the gospel offends but when you do! Yes the truth can be confrontational but we often don’t present the truth clearly, but rather a mixture of words and cliches that leave people wondering what we are really trying to say. Some things we say sound plain weird to one who is not in the know (eat my body). One of the biggest challenges facing Christians today is to understand that in a postmodern world our words can be taken several different ways.

Let me give an example: Ask someone if they believe in God and most will say yes. Not everyone will but a high percentage of people still believe in some higher power. If they say yes does that really tell you anything? My professor used to say, “the worst distance between two people is miscommunication.” Someone says they believe in “God,” they might mean that tree is god, or maybe they have a generic understanding of god as some transcendent other that has no connection with his creation, or he might even believe that he is, in fact, a god. “God” can mean so many things and that has never been more true than it it today. When I say I believe in God is it a monotheistic (one god) understanding or is it a polytheistic (many gods) understanding? Do I believe God is personal or distant? Do I see him as sovereign or limited? You see, asking if someone believes in God tells you very little about what they really believe.

We need to learn to speak differently if we want to engage others in our faith. This starts first with us not speaking at all but rather being willing to listen to what they have to say. Too many times we are guilty of wanting to be heard but not showing the slightest interest in listening to them. The Bible tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. We are often the opposite,  If we want to engage others in our beliefs we should be open to hearing first what they believe.

When you think about it, it is truly arrogant to come at someone using jargon they probably will not understand and to do so in a way that gives the impression what they have to say doesn’t matter; they just need to listen to the truth and buy into it!

My friends, that was not the way of Jesus. He met people where they were and instead of telling them a bunch of obscure doctrine he listened and spoke to where they were. He could only do this by observing and knowing who they were and what they were about. This meant he had to listen and care enough to find out. We could learn a lot from Jesus on how to talk to people about our faith.

Jesus listened and he cared. When he saw the people of Israel it says he had compassion. That word means to “hurt in the gut.” His care was so deep it pained Him to see their travail. If all we want is to hammer them with words, while failing to listen and to care, then we should be shunned and ignored as heartless bullies.

Jesus listened; he cared; he was also bold. I don’t think we lose our boldness to call out sin or to speak challenge to others by being sensitive to them. Jesus definitely did not hold back! He called the Samaritan woman out; he laid into the Pharisees; he showed the adulteress woman grace but told her to sin no more. Jesus did not mince words. If we are willing to listen and to care, we will find others more open to letting us speak into their lives. We need to earn the right.

Flip that around. You would be same way. If someone came at you with words you didn’t know and made it clear they didn’t want to hear what you had to say but wanted you to just listen and then they spoke strong challenges to you, you would close your ears and have none of it! How dare they!?

We need to dialogue with others about our faith but this means thinking through the jargon we use, listening better, caring more, and speaking boldly for their good and not out of frustration or judgment.

Peter said it best: “ but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”