Calvin and Hobbs

Putting pen to our thoughts can be an intimidating exercise. But I have found little to be more cathartic than allowing your soul to be expressed on paper.  Journaling my thoughts towards God as well as what He reveals about myself is life giving. My soul has grown in its expression through my personal diligence in journaling. It has increased my understanding of the greatness of God and the depth of my need for Him.

Take up my challenge and buy a journal (Guys its not a diary!) and begin to write what’s on your mind. No rules. Its your window to the soul. Decorate it like you want.

Here is an idea to get you started.  Ask yourself a reflective question and write on it.

Something like: Why does God care so much about me? Write what you think and feel as it comes to you. You might be surprised at the depth that is in you! Don’t sell yourself short. God has created something amazing in you. Let it out. Your soul longs to express itself. To not do so is like walking through a field of wild flowers and ignoring the color and the smells. You sell yourself short otherwise.

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